Help Femen activist Amina, ‘condemned to Death’ for protest Photo

Radical Tunisian islamists represented by Imam Adel Almi call for death penalty by stones for young tunisian girl, who took a naked picture of herself and posted on Facebook to support FEMEN movement. 26th of February a Tunisian woman, Amina Tyler, sent an email to FEMEN with attached photo of herself in the style of FEMEN with written message on her body  «Fuck your morals!».
The picture was posted on fan pages of FEMEN. Then Amina has created a fan page FEMEN Tunisia to support the movement from her country. Today the information about death threats to Amina from islamists was spread by mass medias, the call for death penalty was made the by Tunisian political figure and leader of the Association of centrists reforms Adel Almi. After getting info about threats for Amina FEMEN activists tried to get in touch with the tunisian supporter by phone, but the phone is switched off.
FEMEN cares for the life of a youn

g Tunisian activist Amina.

Femen denounces the disastrous Islamization of Arab spring with full devaluation of all revolutionary achievements! Bearded monsters will never intimidated brave acts for freedom made by women!

Protest of Meriam from Tunisia supporting Amina: «My body belongs to me!»

Attention! We are furious because of the barbarian threats of the islamists about the necessity of reprisals against the Tunisian activist Amina.

We are afraid for her life and we call women to fight for their freedom against religious atrocities. We call all women and arab women especially to take part to the antiislamist resistance and to force to shut up the preachers of the death. Use your body as a poster for the slogans of freedom. Bare breast against islamism. Send your photos on our email address
The choice of the location is up to you, in your bedroom or in front of the mosque. The main point is that your naked body will become your choosen symbole of freedom. Your body is yours. If we will keep silence today then tomorrow each woman will be stoned to death by fanatics. Your bodies are your weapons ! We can join forces !

Hackers of the Islamist movement have taken control under the  Facebook fanpage of  Femen-Tunisia.

The attack was made after activity of FEMEN supporters in Tunisia, who posted topless pictures in FEMEN style to support the movement. «Thanks to God we have hacked this immoral page and the best is to come» was indicated by the hacker who signed the name «Al Aangour». ‘The page has been hacked and if God willing, these dirt will disappear of Tunisia’, the creator wrote again.

The pirate has replaced on page photos of the different  FEMEN actions by videos of Suras and puctures of the Koran to illustrate faith of islam.

FEMEN says: «Keep showing your real face, freedomphobes»!


Photos in support of the Tunisian activist Amina, of Leila from Spain.

Every Thursday FEMEN man, caricaturist LUZ is giving his doze of blasphemy and feminism!  We are going to breast all Islamists in the world till they are not here anymore! We call everyone to share the drawing as they are scared of naked women and humor!

They want to lapidate us? Let’s breast them!

Sign Petition HERE:

Amina, quien asegura ser integrante del grupo Femen, un movimiento feminista surgido en Ucrania en 2008 que realiza sus protestas con el torso desnudo para llamar la atención, publicó en Facebook una foto en topless con la frase: «Mi cuerpo es mío y de nadie más».

Túnez: Condenan a muerte por lapidación a joven feminista por foto ‘topless’ en las redes sociales

20 de marzo.- Un clérigo musulmán condenó a muerte por lapidación a Amina, una joven tunecina de 19 años que se atrevió a difundir en las redes sociales una fotografía suya en topless con una frase en árabe en la que abogaba por los derechos de la mujer.La condena, que ha provocado reacciones en contra y a favor de la joven, fue emitida por el clérigo Adel Almi, través de una Fatwa, un pronunciamiento legal en el Islam de eruditos religiosos, tras declarar a Amina culpable de mostrar su cuerpo en público.La Fatwa establece que la joven estudiante de educación secundaria reciba 10 latigazos en un sitio público y luego sea lapidada hasta morir para castigar su indecencia y evitar que su «mal ejemplo» desencadene una epidemia y otras chicas repitan su acción.»Amina quería destacar y llamar la atención al posar desnuda. Esto refleja que la chica no tiene nada que perder y no es consciente de lo sagrado de la mujer. Estas acciones deben ser tratados para evitar posibles desastres», dijo Almi.El clérigo religioso, presidente de Conciencia Moderada y Reforma, una asociación islámica radical, consideró que Amina debería ser azotada 100 veces dada la magnitud de su pecado, «la chica merece la lapidación hasta la muerte», subrayó.Amina, quien asegura ser integrante del grupo Femen, un movimiento feminista surgido en Ucrania en 2008 que realiza sus protestas con el torso desnudo para llamar la atención, publicó en Facebook una foto en topless con la frase: «Mi cuerpo es mío y de nadie más».March the eighth..CELEBRATELa publicación generó en unos cuantos minutos más de tres mil 700 «me gusta» (likes) y miles de comentarios, algunos apoyando su causa a favor de la libertad de la mujeres en Túnez y otros en contra, además de amenazas de muerte, muchas de ellas de parte de musulmanas.La inusual protesta de Amina desató el rechazo de su propia familia, que la considera una «ofensa al pudor de la mujer» y al Islam, desaprueba su comportamiento, la desconoce e incluso respalda su sentencia a muerte, según reportó el sitio Algeri-focus.»Somos una familia musulmana y no podemos aceptar estas prácticas que han afectado gravemente no sólo a nuestra imagen, sino la imagen de la mujer tunecina y nuestra religión, el Islam», afirmaron los padres, tíos y primos de Amina en un mensaje difundido en internet.Nuestra hija es víctima de la manipulación mental, del lavado de cerebro. «Debemos luchar contra este flagelo para salvar nuestras chicas», dijo la madre de la joven, tras expresar su indignación y vergüenza por el comportamiento de Amina.En una entrevista con la televisión argelina, la joven expresó su admiración por las activistas del movimiento Femen y su lucha a favor de la equidad de género, al rechazar que su fotografía sea insultante o que tenga motivaciones sexuales.La tunecina admitió que nunca imaginó que su foto pudiera causar tanto revuelo y que si decidió hacerla con su busto desnudo fue para que su mensaje sea tomado en cuenta, ya que de lo contrario iba a ser ignorado.»Es sólo una manera de pasar un mensaje. Era la única manera de que fuera visto, no fue por motivo sexual, sólo para emitir el mensaje, para defender los derechos de la mujer», indicó Amina, cuya condena provocó la difusión de la foto de otra chica en topless.Emulando la foto, otra tunecina, identificada como Meriam, subió este miércoles una fotografía con el pecho descubierto en la página de Femen con el mensaje: «Nadie debería tener el poder de la vida o muerte sobre nosotras. Apoyo a Amina y a todas las mujeres árabes».Al igual que Amina, Meriam ha atraído a un gran número de seguidores con su fotografía, aunque también duras críticas, mensajes obscenos y amenazas de muerte.

Tunisia: sentenced to death by stoning a young feminist picture topless in social networksMarch 20.

( translation of Kaos article above)– A Muslim cleric sentenced to death by stoning for Amina, a young 19 year old Tunisian who dared to spread in social networks a picture of her topless with a phrase in Arabic that advocated the rights of the mujer.La conviction, that caused reactions against and in favor of the young, was issued by the cleric Adel Almi, through a fatwa, a legal pronouncement in Islam of religious scholars, after declaring  Amina guilty of showing her body in public.

426788_347512321953634_100000846073134_949786_1747734539_nThe Fatwa states that young high school student receives 10 lashes in a public place and then be stoned to death for punishing her indecency and to prevent her «bad example» triggering an epidemic and other girls repeating her action. «Amina wanted to highlight and draw attention . This reflects that the girl has nothing to lose and is not aware of the sacredness of women. Such actions must be treated to prevent possible disasters, «said Almi.

The religious cleric, president of Conscience Moderate and Reform, a radical Islamic association, said that Amina should be flogged 100 times given the magnitude of her sin, «the girl deserves stoning to death». Amina, who claims to be a member of the group Femen, a feminist movement emerged in Ukraine in 2008 performing their topless protests to draw attention, posted on Facebook a photo topless with the phrase: «My body is mine and nobody else.»

The publication generated in a few minutes over three thousand 700 «likes» (likes) and thousands of comments, some supporting their cause for freedom of women in Tunisia and others against, and death threats, . Amina unusual sparked protest the rejection of his own family, which is considered a «insulting the modesty of a woman» and Islam disapproves of her behavior, the unknown and even supported her death sentence, as reported by the site Algeri-focus.

«We are a Muslim family and we can not accept these practices which have seriously affected not only our image but the image of Tunisian women and our religion, Islam,» said the parents, uncles and cousins ​​of Amina in a message in internet.Our daughter is a victim of mind manipulation, brainwashing. «We must fight against this scourge to save our girls,» said the girl’s mother, expressing her indignation and shame at the behavior of Amina.

In an interview with Algerian television, Amina expressed admiration for the Femen movement activists and their struggle for gender equality, rejecting that her picture is sexual or insulting to Tunisians. she admitted that she never imagined that her photo could cause such a stir, and that if she decided to do it with her bare bust was for her message to be taken into account, as it would otherwise be ignored.

«It’s just a way to pass a message. Was the only way it was seen, it was not for sexual reason, just to deliver the message, to defend the rights of women,» said Amina, Emulating her, another Tunisian, identified as Meriam, rose on Wednesday a photo with naked chest in Femen page with the message: «No one should have the power of life and death over us. Support Amina and all Arab women. »

Like Amina, Meriam has attracted a huge following with her photograph, but also harsh criticism, obscene messages and death threats.

Firma petición:

[Sobre el caso Amina] Comunicado de Red Musulmanas: Pechos y fatuas

por Red Musulmanas

Está corriendo por internet la noticia de una fatua contra una joven tunecina que mostró sus pechos en una foto de facebook como forma de reivindicación de las libertades de las mujeres.

Desde Red Musulmanas queremos manifestar, ante todo, nuestro entero apoyo a la joven y a todas las formas de protesta pacíficas contra el patriarcado, una lucha en la que nos inscribimos por completo. Las mujeres debemos recuperar la propiedad de nuestro cuerpo  ya sea para mostrarlo o para cubrirlo en un ejercicio irrenunciable de recuperación de nuestra patria potestad.

Con este comunicado queremos aclarar cuál es el contenido de la noticia y qué es una fatua. En el islam no hay jerarquías religiosas, no hay cabezas visibles que ordenen y manden. Ante sucesos novedosos, las personas que se dedican a estudiar la religión pueden emitir veredictos y contra veredictos que no son vinculantes. Cualquier ulema, y hay miles de ellos y de muy distintas facciones, puede emitir una fatua que será retomada o contradicha por numerosas otras fatuas y contra fatuas.

Según la página web Assabah News, Adel Almi, polémico ulema tunecino muy mediatizado, hizo las siguientes declaraciones: “Amina debe ser azotada 100 veces y, debido WORLD SOCIAL FORUM ANOTHER WORLD POSSIBLEa la gravedad de su pecado, la joven merece ser lapidada hasta la muerte.” Sin embargo, el propio Almi desmiente haber llegado hasta ese extremo. Sería sorprendente que tomáramos estas declaraciones como una fatua, esto es, un pronunciamiento legal, puesto que Almi no es un juez, ni en la jurisprudencia tradicional islámica se contempla la lapidación o los latigazos por posar desnuda.

Así pues, ni existe fatua alguna, sino supuestas declaraciones misóginas y criminales muy graves, ni tienen peso legal ninguno, ya que en Túnez no existe la pena de muerte. La joven podría incurrir en una pena de seis meses a dos años de cárcel y una multa de 100 a 1000 dinares por “atentado al pudor”, tal y como contempla el artículo 226 de la ley penal tunecina. Pero no nos consta que haya habido ninguna denuncia por este delito contra la joven. Seguramente la noticia hubiera sido mucho más productiva si se hubiera centrado en la necesidad de modificar la ley penal sobre este punto.

Lo que estamos viviendo con esta noticia es lo que hemos vivido miles de veces en las manifestaciones en España, por ejemplo: un millón de personas se manifiesta de manera pacífica, pero un grupo quema contenedores de basura y las portadas solo muestran el fuego.

Entender sus palabras como si fuese la voz del islam, lo único que hace es darle alas y poder a los radicales. Es importante conocer y difundir la noticia, pero de manera correcta: “Un ulema declara supuestamente que una joven merece ser lapidada por posar desnuda”. Todo lo demás, “Amina morirá lapidada”, “Amina condenada a muerte en Túnez” y demás titulares que estamos leyendo, no solo faltan a la verdad, sino que redundan en los estereotipos, alimentan la islamofobia y hacen que perdamos, en el barullo de los gritos y graznidos, las voces de los sectores más moderados e infinitamente más reflexivos. Debemos denunciar la manipulación de los medios de comunicación al servir como correa de transmisión para las expresiones racistas e islamófobas.

Es necesario que desde las comunidades musulmanas de todo el mundo desautoricemos a estos clérigos misóginos y demos nuestro apoyo a las mujeres que sufren todo tipos de violencias. Sin duda, es responsabilidad de todos y todas.

Para más información:

[On the case Amina] Muslim Womens’Network press statement: Breasts and Fatwas

( translation of the above comminiqué)

The news is flying via Internet of a fatwa against a young Tunisian who showed her breasts in a facebook picture as a form of vindication of the liberties of women.

First we want to express from Muslim Womens Network our full support to girls and all forms of peaceful protest against patriarchy, a struggle in which we join completely. Women must regain ownership of our bodies either to display or to cover a recovery exercise our inalienable custody.

With this release we clarify the content of the news and what is a fatwa. In Islam there is no religious hierarchy, no visible heads to order and send. First novel events, persons engaged in studying religion and can issue verdicts against verdicts are not binding. Any ulema, and there are thousands of them and very different features, you can issue a fatwa to be retaken or contradicted by many other foolish and against fatwas.

According to the website Assabah News, Adel Almi, widely publicized controversial Tunisian ulema, issued the following statement: «Amina should be flogged 100 times fight patriarchyand because of the gravity of his sin, she deserves to be stoned to death.» But , Almi himself denies having gone that far. Would be surprising if we take these statements as a fatwa, that is, a legal pronouncement since Almi is not a judge, nor in traditional Islamic jurisprudence provides for the stoning or lashes to pose nude.

Thus, neither there is any fatwa but misogynistic statements and alleged serious criminals, nor have any legal weight, and that in Tunisia there is no death penalty. She could incur a penalty of six months to two years in prison and a fine of 100 to 1,000 dinars for «indecent assault», as referred to in Article 226 of the Tunisian penal law. But we know that there have been no reports of this crime against the young. Surely the news would have been more productive if he had focused on the need to amend the penal law on this point.

What we are living with this story is what we have experienced thousands of times in the demonstrations in Spain, for example, one million people will manifests peacefully, but a group burning trash and the covers only show the fire.

Understand his words as if the voice of Islam, all it does is give wings to the radicals. It is important to know and spread the word, but in the right way: «A mullah declares supposedly a girl deserves to be stoned for posing nude.» Everything else, «Amina die stoned», «Amina sentenced to death in Tunisia» and other headlines we’re reading, not only untrue, but that result in stereotypes, feed Islamophobia and make us lose in the hubbub of shouts and cries, the voices of the most moderate and infinitely more thoughtful. We denounce the manipulation of the media to serve as a transmission belt for the racist and Islamophobic.

FEMEN (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

It is necessary that Muslim communities worldwide dis-authorize these misogynist clerics and give our support to women who suffer all kinds of violence. Undoubtedly, it is the responsibility of everyone.

For more information:

update 25th march


March 23, 2013

Tunisian Woman Sent to a Psychiatric Hospital for Posting Topless Photos on Facebook

Amina, a 19-year-old who hoped to join the radical protest group Femen, is also threatened with death by stoning.

femen davos tn banner.jpgActivist from the women’s rights organisation Femen protest outside the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland on January 26, 2013. (Miro Kuzmanovic/Reuters)

by Jeffrey Tayler.

 Amina, a 19-year-old Tunisian aspirant to the radical, Ukraine-born feminist group Femen has been delivered by her parents to a psychiatric hospital in Tunis, according to reports received by Femen leader Inna Shevchenko in Paris. Amina (her last name is unknown) had postedtopless photos of herself on the Femen web page she created for the group in Tunisia several weeks ago. One photo shows her topless, smoking a cigarette, with “My Body is My Own and Not the Source of Anyone’s Honor” scrawled in Arabic across her chest. Another shows her raising her middle fingers to the camera, with “Fuck Your Morals,” written on her torso. The site was subsequently hacked and temporarily plastered with citations from the Quran.

The head of the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice in Tunisia, Almi Adel, a Salafi Islamic preacher, has called for Amina to be “stoned to death” for posting the images. He warned that Amina’s action could cause “epidemics and disasters” and “could be contagious and give ideas to other women.” Media reports say Tunisian secular law would punish her with up to two years in prison.

“Amina and I were in contact by phone until four days ago, when she disappeared,” Shevchenko told me from Paris in a Skype interview on Friday afternoon. “Her phone went dead and her Facebook page was removed, which also meant I lost all my correspondence with her. I can’t get hold of her.” Since late February, she and Amina had been discussing Femen’s ideology and the inauguration of a branch of the movement in Tunisia.

Shevchenko was also alerted to a video in which Amina’s aunt declared that the aspiring Femen member “is now with her family. She had decided to kill herself and so posted nude pictures of herself online,” which Shevchenko characterized as “a typical way of reacting to a woman’s demand to be free–they say she’s gone crazy or is being too emotional.”

Prominent atheist Richard Dawkins, author of the 2006 bestseller The God Delusion, has taken up her cause and is calling for a day of action in support of Amina. Twitter is ablaze with reaction to the events (check out #Amina) and a petition has been posted online demanding that those who threaten Amina’s life face the courts.

Femen itself issued a statement calling on women to “Fight for their freedom against religious atrocities” and to “Use your body as a poster for the slogans of freedom. Bare breasts against Islamism.”

Amina’s disappearance follows her appearance on the popular Tunisian television talk show, Labes, on March 16. With her face blurred, apparently to protect her identity, she explains her decision to join Femen.

I asked Shevchenko what she planned to do in response to Amina’s detetion. “The only question for us is,” she replied, “when are we in Femen going to Tunisia?”

source The Atlantic

latest update:: Amina is »safe»

| 25 March 2013 |

Amina, Meriam, Nadia el Fani, and the Femen Logo. Images courtesy of Facebook.

Amina, the Tunisian activist who gained notoriety after uploading topless photos of herself to Facebook, is safe at home with her family, according to her lawyer Bouchra Bel Haj Hmida.

She is not missing and “has never been in a psychiatric facility,” Bel Haj Hmida told Tunisia Live, contradicting reports that surfaced last week and have been widely circulated on the internet.

Amina has been corresponding since February with members of Femen, a feminist group that originated in Ukraine and uses topless protest to fight for women’s rights.

Bel Haj Hmida, who is also a well-known Tunisian women’s rights activist, told Tunisia Live that Amina is going back to school and said that she needs to be left in peace. She declined to provide further details of Amina’s situation due to lawyer-client confidentiality requirements.

No legal charges have been filed against Amina, continued Ben Haj Hmida, adding she could be handed a maximum six-month sentence if convicted of public indecency. The Tunisian penal code’s provisions on such offenses are very subjective, she said.

Amina’s actions, she added, have been misinterpreted and were not meant to have any sexual connotation.

Online support has continued to grow for Amina’s cause. Over 80,000 people have signed a petition on the liberal website demanding that Amina’s “life and liberty are protected and that those who have threatened her be immediately prosecuted.” The petition is a response to the statements of Islamic conservative leader Adel Almi last week calling for her to received “80 to 100 lashes” a

English: «11 April 2010 Sasha Shevchenko striking a pose at Maydan with Ukrainian Symbol on the backgournd to present new FEMEN logo and style. 2 years of FEMEN!» (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

nd stating that she deserved to be stoned to death.

Facebook pages supporting Amina have sprung up where women upload topless photos of themselves bearing slogans such as “Free Amina.”

Tunisian filmmaker Nadia el Fani, director of the controversial film Neither God nor Master, has also joined the movement. She posted a picture of herself on her Facebook page with “freedom” written in Arabic on her forehead and “for Amina” written on her arm in French. She bares one breast painted with an Arabic word meaning “dignity.”

Salma Bouzid contributed reporting

Last Update 5th April  Feminist Protests go Worldwide: Free Amina..Free all Women!

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40 opiniones en “Help Femen activist Amina, ‘condemned to Death’ for protest Photo”

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