latest on state of Jose Antúnez, 55 days hungerstriking

18 Mar 2015
 Indymedia Barcelona

Today we got information 18.03.2015 on our companion Jose Antunez.he is very bad, from yesterday to today he has lost 1kg.
being already in 64 kg of 89 kg beforehand.. .25 lost.his body starts to not tolerate water
for two days he’s been  spewing all that enters your body.believed to be due within 5 days of thirst strike that he did recently. And now this is the toll...

his blood pressure is very high and unbalanced.

He is minded and determined to resist, continuing the struggle and plantandole face the vengeance of the prison system.

we only have words of thanks to all the comrades who sympathize with him.


DOWN THE WALLS that separate us !!!

More info here

We want him FREE. We want him ALIVE.. José Antúnez Becerra

Libertad José Antúnez. 18 marzo 10:30 DGSP C/ Girona Mani 28 marzo 19:00h C.P. la Modelo

original in Castillian

ultimas noticias sobre el estado de jose antunez

en el dia de hoy 18/03/2015 nos llega informacion del compañero Jose Antunez.

se encuentra muy mal, de ayer a hoy ha perdido 1 kg.
estando ya en 64 kg de los 89 kg que empezo.25 kg perdidos.

su cuerpo empieza a no tolerar el agua.
Lleva dos dias que vomita toda la que introduce en su cuerpo.

cree que es debido a los 5 dias de huelga de sed que jhizo hace muy poco. Y ahora le esta pasando factura.

La presion arterial la tiene muy alta y descompensada.

Esta mentalizado y decidido a resistir, continuando en la lucha y plantandole cara a las venganzas del sistema penitenciario.

solo tiene palabras de agradecimiento para todxs lxs compañerxs que se solidarizan con el.



 more here

We want him FREE. We want him ALIVE.. José Antúnez Becerra

Autor: thefreeonline

The Free is a book and a blog. Download free E/book ...”the most detailed fictional treatment of the movement from a world recognizably like our own to an anarchist society that I have read...

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