Madrid: Workers OCCUPY Hospital de La Princesa.

update 9th November.. there are now EIGHT hospitals partly or wholly occupied in the Madrid area, to stop mass selloffs and closures

The OCCUPATION of the Hospital de La Princesa (started on Friday) has been a boost for the rest of health professionals in the region. Workers of all hospitals are organizing to Madrid holding demonstrations in protest against attempts to privatize Health system of the Community of Madrid , say the health officials of CCOO, UGT and CSIT unions.
Workers even plan to extend the OCCUPATION to six hospitals whose management will be private in 2013: Infanta Leonor (Vallecas), Sofia (San Sebastian de los Reyes), Cristina (Parla), Henares , Southeast and Tajo. It would be an unprecedented move in the history of public health in Madrid.

Hospital workers Infanta Leonor (Vallecas) were the first to follow in the footsteps of Princess: at 14:30 on Monday initiated an » indefinite occupation to protest that privatization will cause a decrease in quality of care and affect many , and cast them into the street, «explained Sonia 20 minutes, a spokeswoman for the workers. Also, they plan to «cut the A-3 moptorway on Thursday.» Alongside them, the doctors and nurses of the Hospital del Henares, Coslada, have also been sitting-in indefinitely.

«There are dozens of workers. They’ve left us no choice: you have to move because if we dont, we’ll be eaten alive,  us and to patients,» says Emi, an employee of the Hospital del Henares.

It is an unprecedented move in the history of public health in Madrid «Our idea is to focus every day since this Monday, calling of assemblies stable in

Occupied Hospital La Princesa, Madrid 8th Nov 2012

all centers and staging protests at the gates of the hospital and the surrounding streets, even

with cuts traffic, «noted Manuel Rodriguez, CC OO. «The Mass demonstrations will become permanent occupations if workers so choose, which is very likely,» adds Carmen Medrenda of UGT.

Meanwhile, professionals constituted La Princesa Hospital EGM Monday in the Centre, an  assembly administered organ, to «stop the transformation of hospitals in a  geriatric home».


SOS Hospital de Bellvitge

Spain: 94,502 evictions in 6 months, 532 a

Occupied Hospital La Princesa, Madrid 8th Nov 2012


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