Agriculture: The Surprising Leading Contributor to Pollution, with Vandana Shiva

A Gold-Mine of info and links for confronting Capitalist Agriculture madness, with another great talk by amaazing Vandana Shiva.

Rise Up Times

The insanity has gone far enough. It’s time to unite and fight back, which is why I encourage you to boycott every single product owned by members of the [Grocery Manufacturers Association] GMA, including natural and organic brands. To learn more about this boycott, and the traitor brands that are included, please visit  

By Dr. Mercola  Organic Consumers Association  July 1, 2014

Did you know that the modern agricultural system is responsible for putting more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than the actual burning of fossil fuels? Understanding this reveals an obvious answer to pressing global problems.

There are only three places for carbon to go: land, air, and water. Our agricultural practices have removed massive amounts of valuable carbon from land, transferring it into air and water. Carbon management is critically important regardless of one’s views of climate change.

By paying greater attention to carbon management…

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Autor: thefreeonline

The Free is a book and a blog. Download free E/book ...”the most detailed fictional treatment of the movement from a world recognizably like our own to an anarchist society that I have read...

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