2nd day Barcelona riots for eviction/demolition of Can Vies


Can Vies re-occupied! Rebuilding Begins! 30 May,morning.

Can Vies Rebellion Day 4 #EfectoCanVies

3rd day: Can Vies Uprising spreads like Wildfire # EfectoCanVies


LATE NEWS..3rd Day.. just counted a total of 41 separate demonstrations called this evening, mostly in Catalunya, as the Can Vies Uprising spreads like wildfire…

can vies mani

Can Vies was a local self-run Occupied Social Center, going for 17 yrs in an ex union building, with wide neighbourhood support. The Coumcil  ordered an eviction for a ‘green space’ to crush an organisation outside its idea of a sanitised, top down, rich only, capitalist paradise. They were warned many times that evicting Can Vies would be the start of urbaan warfare, with 70% youth unemployment. Yet the arrogant idiots went ahead and lit that fuse…..,

Second night of rioting, Demolition machines burnt. Neighbours support. Uprising spreads.   28 mai 2014

On Tuesday, hundreds of people have demonstrated through the streets of Barcelona’s Sants barrio to show their rejection of the eviction and knocking down of the occupied self-run social center Can Vies , considered a benchmark of popular culture and that had been open for 17 years.can vies mani 2

On Monday at noon, the City Council deployed a large police force to clear the building . Since then, samples of neighborhood solidarity have multiplied and resistance through demonstrations and riots has begun to spread.

 contra infos video ist afternoon pre-demo. more here: http://www.netvibes.com/privatepage/1#Welcome

During the day on Tuesday, and for the second straight night , barricades have gone up in the streets and containers have been burning .

A group of protesters set fire to and destroyed the huge bulldozer being used to bring down the center. Many containers have also been burned in the central square and main street of Sants, a big working class barrio , which forced the police to cut traffic.


Before the incidents , some 500 people were demonstrating,  protesting the eviction and demolition of Can Vies ,with the complicity of the neighbors who stood ou their balconies banging pans and pots and applauding.

Shouting ‘ If they touch Can Vies they touch us all ‘ or ‘ combative Barrio ‘ , the protesters have walked the streets of the area under the watchful eyes of numerous police officers , who have finally charged again against them causing serious injuries that have had to be hospitalized.  translation The Free
see also:  http://www.librered.net/?p=33613

Save Can Vies: amazing videos and posters: updated


Avui dimecres] Concentracions arreu per extrendre la revolta!

28 mai 2014
Recopilo aquí algunes de les convocatòries que s’estan organitzant en solidaritat amb Can Vies. Per segon dia consecutiu, la Barcelona rebel s’ha alçat en lluita contra la Barcelona aparador. El desallotjament de Can Vies ha estat simplement l’espurna que ha encès la flama. Es fa una crida a convocar a les places i viles a les 20h avui dimecres. I en acabar, totes a Sants!…

3rd Day demos planned to extend the »Can Vies Uprising’

Barcelona Indymedia

17:30h al CPI El Teler (camí Ral) de Mataró 19h seu del districte de Nou Barris
19h davant la seu de CDC a Tarragona 19:30h plaça de la paeria de Lleida 20h a l’ajuntament de Terrassa
20h plaça de l’ajuntament de l’Hospitalet
20h plaça del Vi de Girona
20h davant l’ajuntament de Rubí
20h plaça Major de Manresa

original de traducción arriba

2ª noche de disturbios en Barcelona por el desalojo y derrumbe de Can Vies

28 mai 2014
Este martes centenares de personas han vuelto a manifestarse por las calles del barrio barcelonés de Sants para mostrar su rechazo al desalojo y derrumbe del centro social Can Vies, considerado un referente de la cultura popular y que permanecía abierto desde hacía 17 años.
Clica la imatge per una versió més gran

BorItT7CIAEHUAz.jpg large

Clica la imatge per una versió més gran


Clica la imatge per una versió més gran

Boq4ywBCEAApjsi.jpg largethe photo they won’t print.. Demolition excavator goes up in flames in the ruins of Can Vies

Ellunes almediodía, elAyuntamiento de Barcelonadesplegó unampliodispositivopolicial paradesalojar eledificio.Desdeentonces, se hanmultiplicado lasmuestras desolidaridadvecinal yresistencia através demanifestaciones y disturbios.Durante lajornada deestemartes, y porsegundanocheconsecutiva, se hanvuelto amontarbarricadas en las calles y se hanvistoardercontenedores.Un grupo demanifestantes haprendido fuego a lamáquinaexcavadora que seestáutilizando paraderribar elcentro.También se hanquemadovarios contenedores de la plaza y de lacalle deSants, que hanobligado acortar eltráfico.Antes de los incidentes, unas 500 personas se estaban manifestando en protesta por el cierre y derribo de Can Vies con la complicidad de decenas de vecinos que se asoman a los balcones con cacerolas y para aplaudirles.BorAWxRCYAAPFJc.png largeAl grito de ‘Si tocan Can Vies nos tocan a todas’ o ‘Barrio combativo’, los manifestantes han recorrido las calles de la zona ante la mirada atenta de numerosos agentes de la policía, que finalmente han cargado contra ellos provocando heridos graves que han tenido que ser hospitalizados.
Mira també:


 Continues HERE:

Can Vies Rebellion Day 4 #EfectoCanVies

3rd day: Can Vies Uprising spreads like Wildfire # EfectoCanVies

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