PANDORA 7 FREE: Beatriz, Lisa, David, Noemi, Anna, Enrique and Alba, Out on Bail!

B5AGeudIYAAoae9After worldwide solidarity actions the judge finally ordered the release on bail of € 3,000 each of the anarchists imprisoned for Pandora operation. 4 others arrested already got bail.

photo offered by the Catalan police of the ´´damage'' caused by the ''anarchist terrorists'' by ''bombing'' a cash machine. 28/01/2015
photo offered by the Catalan police of the ´´damage» caused by the 11 »anarchist terrorists» by »bombing» a cash machine. 28/01/2015  … but one is still working!

Seven anarchists Beatriz, Lisa, David, Noemi, Anna, Enrique, Alba, five women and 2 men, had been jailed after dawn raids   for being terrorists on no apparent evidence.

By »coincidence» the far-right PP government is pushing through nazi type ‘punish everything’ laws against general opposition,  while bogged in a mire of corruption scandals but still having an inherited absolute majority in parliament. Demos vs. Gag law

The young community activists were arrested on December 16 and leave the killing centers today , after paying, of course. They have spent one and a half months behind bars after the Catalan police stormed their homes following a macro-operation called Pandora and, according to the police was aimed at dismantling of an alleged organization of «anarchist terrorism».

the cops arrived at dawn
the cops arrived at dawn

Although the Catalan police wanted the gag of proceedings until February 22 the judge suddenly changed criterion and has refused to extend the investigations and has given finished imprisonment.

The same day as the searches and arrests, a demonstration of more than 3,000 people was held through the streets of Gràcia and in full disgusting christmas over 1,500 people toured the center of Barcelona  behind a banner that read: The real terrorist is who condemns us to a life of misery, not who rebels against it. 801_img_20141222_144304The fight does not end here, because the charges against female and male companions remain serious, and do not forget to follow many more anarchists who are locked up. The accused have lost their passports and have to report to the police station 3 times a week.

The police claim to have found materials that could have been used in bomb making in the raids on anarchist social centers which the accused »assiduously visited». They accuse them of an international plot, membership of the »Coordinated Anarchist Groups» and the FAI-FRI (said to be a federation of international resistance groups).

They are accused of sending 2 letter bombs, one to the Archbishop of Pamplona and another to the fascist group Legionaires of Christ, as well as damaging up to 5 cash machines some years ago (»Bombings»). The police have offered  no display of evidence recovered on this occasion, perhaps fearing ridicule. fotonoticia_20150129150202_644 evidence posted  by the Catalan police of »bombing» a cash machine 28/01/2015

In addition the Pandora 11 have been accused in the police report of »having links»  with the Chilean anarchists Monica Caballero and Francisco  Solar who are imprisoned for attacks on 2 churches, in Madrid and Zaragoza. There is a prisoners support campaign for them.  mónica-and-francisco-jailed-punished-isolated-.

El juez ordena la puesta en libertad bajo fianza de 3.000 € de las anarquistas encarceladas por la operación Pandora

by cna on enero 30th, 2015

Javier Gómez Bermúdez comunica a los abogados que este viernes por la mañana se dictan los autos de libertad condicional con fianza de 3.000 euros para cada una de ellas.

Fueron detenidas el 16 de diciembre y abandonarán los centros de exterminio hoy o mañana, tras pagar, claro. Habrán pasado un mes y medio entre rejas después de que los mossos d’esquadra asaltaran sus viviendas a raíz de una macrooperación llamada Pandora y que, según Ramon Espadaler, tenía como objetivo la desarticulación de una presunta organización de “terrorismo anarquista”.

La liberación inmediata la han confirmado “fuentes judiciales” y, casualmente, coincide con el día que el departamento de prensa de los mossos d’esquadra ha emitido un comunicado donde detalla las “acusaciones” contra las personas detenidas. A pesar de que la policía catalana quiso que se mantuviera el secreto de sumario de las actuaciones hasta el 22 de febrero repentinamente el juez ha cambiado de criterio, ha rechazado prolongar las investigaciones y ha dado por acabada la reclusión.

Another great police photo of the 'bomb damage' caused by the 11 anarchist terrorists'.
Another great police photo of the ‘bomb damage’ caused by the 11 anarchist terrorists’.

Se prevé que puedan abandonar las celdas de los centros de exterminio de Extremera, Soto de Real, Aranjuez y Valdemoro, todos ellos situados en la periferia de Madrid, mañana o hoy. Las muestras de apoyo a estas jóvenes han sido diversas, la de la foto de portada es una de ellas. El mismo día de los registros y las detenciones, una manifestación de más de 3.000 personas recorrió las calles de Gràcia y en plena asquerosa navidad más de 1.500 personas recorrieron el centro de Barcelona y el paseo de Gràcia detrás una pancarta donde se leía: Terrorista es quien nos condena a una vida de miseria, no quién se rebela contra ella.

La lucha no se detiene, pues los cargos contra l@s excarcelad@s siguen siendo graves, y no olvidemos que siguen much@s pres@s anarquistas encerrad@s.

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