Abortion.. every Woman’s right to Choose.

Abortion: It’s every Womans Right to Choose  By Patricia McCarthy.

Anarchists believe that every woman has the right to choose an abortion when faced with a crisis pregnancy irrespective of the reasons for the abortion.

Women worldwide have always sought to control their fertility through abortion no matter how difficult it is for them to get access to abortion and they probably always will.

This is because it is essential for women to be able to control their own fertility and not to be reduced to the level of their biological function as child-bearers only if they are to achieve true equality and liberation.

Nobody Likes Abortion, Dammit
This will be a bit of a rant rather than a well-constructed article. You have been warned. Love ya!
Straw Feminists. Scawy!
Ok, so, I’m really effing sick of people purposely reframing “pro-choice” to mean “pro-abortion.” In the past week or so, I’ve seen those of us who fight for choice referred to as not only “pro-abortion,” but as “abortion advocates.” Who are these creatures who walk the land espousing the virtues of abortion?” I asked. “I’ve lived half a century, and I haven’t met a single one.” And no one could point me to any. Talk about your Straw Feminists. read on..paste this..http://makemeasammich.org/2012/09/02/nobody-likes-abortion-dammit/

To compare an adult woman or teenage girl with responsibilities, social relationships, personal plans, and so on to a completely dependent foetus is unacceptable. The foetus has no independent existence without the woman and the decision about an abortion or a continuation of the pregnancy must be the woman’s decision and no one else’s.

Women choose to have abortions for all kinds of reasons: poverty, bad health, too many other children, because of rape or incest or simply because they do not want to have a child at that point in their lives. We believe that all these reasons are valid.

Women should not have to answer to anyone, not the church,not the state or even to doctors for their decision. This raises the question of abortion on demand. We oppose any kind of decision making process involving ethics committees or doctors or other variations on this. A woman must have the right to abortion on demand.

The question of free access is a very important one. At present only those women who can afford  the operation costs can get an abortion. Abortion facilities must be made available and they must be free as all medical services should be.

Censorship of information on abortion is a totally insulting attack on womens’ most basic rights as thinking

Todd Akin says that if a woman is “legitimately raped” somehow her body can fight that, shut down somehow, and/or miraculously through osmosis, and through her cries of, “Dear God get off of me you fucking pig!!”, invoke a secret secretion that evidently in a Deus ex Machina mode, acts as a supernatural type of spermicidal manna from Heaven…..
What a nutter!
Actually, there are quite a few pregnancies as a result of rape—an estimated 32,000 per year in the US. Considering that roughly 207,000 women are raped each year, that means 15.5 percent of all rape and sexual assault victims become pregnant. An estimated 9,100 rape victims—roughly 29 percent of the 32,000 women who become pregnant from rape—decide to have abortions.

human beings to know what all the options are when they are faced with a crisis pregnancy. To deny women information, to take books out of libraries, censor magazines containing telephone numbers, all these actions treat women as irresponsible children whose moral decisions need to be policed by small groups of right wing bigots.

Anarchists believe that a woman’s right to choose also means the right to choose to have a child and to have decent housing, child care and welfare facilities available in order to raise that child in a reasonable way and in order that her life is not totally given over to child care. At present with the current housing crisis the almost total lack of free child care and the lousy welfare payments this is not a real choice.

We are opposed to all forms of forced fertility control, whether it is the state imposing limits on the number of children a woman can have as in China or the denial of proper contraceptive and abortion facilities as in this country. The right to choose means the right to choose not to have a child or to have a child in circumstances where that means that neither mother nor child suffer materially or socially for that decision.

Anti-abortionists say that abortion is murder. We reject th

is argument. The foetus is a potential life only – it is not comparable to the life of a person of any age or ability who interacts socially and functions independently.

We don’t deny that abortion takes the life of a potential human being. The right to choose means that it is the woman’s right to choose whether to bring that potential life to full term or not given the circumstances of her life. As anarchists we demand that right..  (adapted from the Irish ‘Right To Choose’ campaign, with thanks)

NO A LA NUEVA LEY DEL ABORTO                           Las modificaciones en la Ley del Aborto anunciadas por el Gobierno suponen un grave ataque a los derechos sexuales y reproductivos de las mujeres que han sido conseguidos a través de años de lucha.
Los sectores más conservadores de la derecha están ganando terreno en una de sus batallas más mediáticas: acabar con los derechos sexuales y reproductivos.  La ley anterior, aprobada en 2010, aunque contaba con importantes limitaciones, supuso algunos avances, como el aborto libre para el plazo de 14 semanas o la posibilidad de que las menores pudiesen abortar sin consentimiento paterno. Ambas opciones van a ser suprimidas en la nueva ley, que además incluirá retrocesos tan graves como la ilegalización de la interrupción del embarazo en caso de malformación del feto. El
Gobierno está estudiando además la forma de limitar el acceso a la anticoncepción de urgencia (píldora del día después), que sólo podrá obtenerse mediante prescripción médica.

Long and shocking history of total repression of women

Caitlin Moran:the planet doesn’t need your babies

Dump Donald Trump.. top sexist hog

Pussy Riot and Madonna, branded sluts and therefore liars!

Why I’m anarcha-feminist




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