Monica and Francisco trial. Day 1 report. State has NO EVIDENCE

update March 30

Anarchists Monica and Francisco Sentenced to 12 years in prison

Today March 30, 2016, it was notified to lawyers and companions the judgment of the National Court condemning the anarchists Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar to 5 years in prison on charges of «injury», plus 7 years for «damage with terrorist purpose «, with a total of 12 years in prison for each They were acquitted of charges of «belonging to a terrorist organization and conspiracy» against the Monastery of Montserrat. Demonstrations will begin today against this ridiculous sentence.
‘We are presented with the challenge of extending the struggle and solidarity, to defend our ties and our ideas, denying that their world is reduced to the four walls that keep them incarcerated.Our jailed  comrades will  always be present in our struggles and our daily lives.There is no «inside», nor is there an «outside» only enemies of the state and authority.Death to the state and long live anarchy !.’

1fotoantonio_1Update 1st April: Pepe Galán, Francisco lawyer, says he «totally disagrees with the statement that they are the perpetrators» and thinks that «there is no evidence in this regard.» And he will appeal the verdict.

The good news that they were cleared  of being a terrorist organisation and the finding that the supposed terrorist group doesn’t exist should apply equally to all the defendants from the Pandora and Piñata anti anarchist police raids, undermining their future trials!

update final day here  ¡Death to the State and Long Live Anarchism!’  update 2nd day: * court picketed by shouting supporters..  *4 defense witnesses confirm descriptions not Monica and Francisco… *police exaggerate strength of »bomb»..  *’‘expert» police  knew nothing about body recognition ..  * grand conspiracy evidence based on internet news..


Monica Caballero
Monica Caballero

After spending more than 2 years in jail, and with the prosecution demanding 44 years each, it became clear on the 1st day of their trial that the State has virtually no evidence against Monica and Francisco.!

It’s a political case, linked by the police to ongoing raids and repression of the socially progressive and popular anarchist and occupation movement, and aiming to brand them and the anarcho syndicalist trade unions as »terrorists».

Worldwide Solidarity

Dozens of solidarity demos, and fundraisers are continuing, including in Greece, Germany, Chile and Chiapas.CcsR6VkWAAAUqYV

The only ‘evidence’ produced so far is a ‘report by experts’ which claims that the shape and movement of two figures caught on a security camera in a nearby bar is ‘similar’ to a computer generated model based on photos of Fran and Monica they copied off the internet. Seriously!

A farcical political show trial

The rest of the evidence is nothing more than an extrapolation of myf_6»we hate anarchists and will take this opportunity to justify a general repression».  The chosen judge, Ángela Murillo, is an extreme right wing nationalist who famously jailed the Basque politician Ortegi for his political views (later the Supreme Court annulled the sentence, citing her ‘prejudice’.) On Day 1 every time Fran or Monica mentioned their anarchist beliefs she intervened to silence them.

….media circus inventing the ''shocking destruction'' after the ”bomb” which Monica and Fran are accused of planting in the Zaragoza Basilica, symbol of the Catholic/Fascist dictatorship… State demanded 44 yrs jail each with zero evidence.
….media circus inventing the »shocking destruction» after the ”bomb” which Monica and Fran are accused of planting in the Zaragoza Basilica, symbol of the Catholic/Fascist dictatorship… State demanded 44 yrs jail each with zero evidence.

Then there is the prosecution  solicitor,Teresa Sandoval, famous for demanding 5 years prison each for 20 people for demonstrating against the cuts outside the Catalan Parliament.

Catholic Church Inquisition Mentality

And the Catholic Church, which is furious about the ‘firework in the Basilica’ and has used it’s connections, various State Ministers are prominent in the Opus Dei sect, to make an example of the alleged attackers.

14574391050856The reference in a responsibility claim to ‘Mateo Morrall’ refers to an anti clerical anarchist from the 1930s, and the attack on the Catholic Church refers to its unpunished mega crimes during the fascist dictatorship, including the fingering of many thousands of anarchists for torture and execution by the death squads.

And then there are the 3 magistrates (there is no jury) who are the same ones involved in the prosecution and who signed the extension order refusing bail after Monica and Francisco had completed the maximum of 2 years in jail awaiting trial……..

continues with Google translation of part of Kaos report
Anarchist terrorism ‘, but …

When did you arrive in Spain? Who knew? What activity developed? where did you live and with whom? What is your relationship with insureccionalist anarchism? What is your relationship with FAI / FRI? And with the GAC? Is it part of the Commando Mateo Morral? Do you advocate the use of violence for political purposes? Have you been involved with anarchists convicted and imprisoned? Did you write a leaflet entitled ‘armed Pleasure’? ¿Is the firecracker found at your home yours? Do you use the websites? Do you use the email service Riseup?

These were some of the questions thrown at Monica and Francisco maniby the prosecutor of the Audiencia Nacional Teresa Sandoval….  Both Monica and Francisco have responded only to questions of their lawyers, although some of them were similar.


Francisco’s Testimony

Why did you come to Spain? «After the bombs case I was subject to police and media harassment.» Francisco said during the trial that in his native Chile, he studied Anthropology. After being charged in the bomb case, for which he spent nine months in custody and three others at home until he was acquitted after the trial, which lasted ten months and the acquittal was upheld by the Supreme Court of Chile. He arrived in Spain in August 2012 and enrolled at the University of Barcelona in an MA cultural identities that drew a 8.5 rating. «I thought of continuing with the doctorate» adds Francisco monica-y-francisco-solidaridad-365x500before the Court, after explaining he had a student visa and remained in Spain with the financial support of his family.

After explaining his personal situation, the defense questions were addressed to the anarchist ideology of Francisco. «I am an anarchist because I believe in freedom where people can develop their potential …» said the accused before being interrupted by the judge Murillo with the phrase «we are not interested». The lawyer continued asking about what it means to be an anarchist, but again the judge prevented the response broaching «no rallies here.»

Francisco explained that the activities related to anarchism in which he participated in Barcelona were demonstrations, lectures, debates. «All public activities». «I have nothing to do with the placement of the device» in the Basilica of El Pilar. On the visit to the Basilica of Montserrat in Barcelona, ​​where police said the two afiche-actividad-por-monica-y-francisco-01suspects were planning an attack, Francisco said that was for cultural interest.  «It is not the first Catholic church that I visited in my life. I wore no camera, I made no plans, nor was I intending to place an explosive device there. » (The Montserrat Church and park are visited by millions every year).

¿Did he belong to a criminal organization? «No, not to any organización because I think that curtails individual freedom …». The judge interrupted again: «Do not tell us your concept of organization because we are not interested».

Monica’s Testimony

It is  Monica’s turn. When she was arrested she was 25 years old. She was also previously processed for the ‘bombs case’ in Chile, also acquitted after spending nine months in custody. «I was indicted for 1_CARTEL_1belonging to a terrorist organization, placing explosive devices at the doors of a church. A case very similar to this. » After being acquitted of the bombs case in Chile, where she was studying Visual Arts, she left due to police and media harassment.

«My idea was to work in Barcelona.» she entered Spain on a tourist visa and worked selling pastries to Chilean restaurants, she began to participate in free radios in the Nou Barris area and several cultural centers. She says that the only time she left Catalonia since her arrival in Spain was to visit the Basque Country. «I’ve never been to Zaragoza.»

Are you an anarchist? «I’m an anarchist, I understand that hierarchy is incompatible with my way of thinking. Any form of command or imposed power is harmful … «. The judge interrupted again: «We have already heard that».

During her stay in prison did she do any writing? «Yes, I have always expressed my ideological position, often in support of other prisoners.  I have always shown publicly and openly my  solidarity with my colleagues. »

On November 12, the police came to her home, where she lived with Francisco in Barcelona with an order for entry and search. For four hours they looked for all kinds of material, without there being any lawyer present to represent them, as confirmed by all police witnesses who have come to testify at the trial……….

 more in Spanish here seedsPolitical Show Trial to Justify Repression

‘The prosecution of Monica and Francisco has been directly linked by the police to the ongoing represssion and mass arrests of the Piñata and Pandora raids on libertarian social centers, alleging that all belonged to an unknown conspiracy GAC (Coordinated Anarchist Groups). It comes in the context of media scapegoating and inventions (and the infamous new Gagging Laws) used to rally support for the far right then ruling PP party. (A function used in the past against the Basque Independence movements until their unilateral ceasefire).

If they are convicted it will open the way for a generalised repression of the social, occupation and trade union based anarchist movement, and community resistance campaigns in Spain, by branding all as ‘anarcho insurrectionalists’.’

Apart from the severe sentence that could fall on these two companions, the trial represents a critical point in the Pandora / Pinata  state crackdown on dissent and repression of the struggles in general, because for the first time the State may get a final judicial decision that legalises the existence of the police conspiracy theory invention the ‘ GAC-FAI-FRI’,  used to implement anti-terrorism laws against the entire libertarian, independent,  sector etc., based on a nonexistent terrorist organization.’


The trial will finish on Thursday 11th March and be declared to be »awaiting sentencing»

more info

update final day here  ¡Death to the State and Long Live Anarchism!’

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