IV Mostra del llibre anarquista d´Alacant

Federación Regional de Levante

Otro año más (y ya van cuatro) volvemos a manifestar nuestro amor por los libros anarquistas. En esta ocasión el día elegido será el sábado 23 de octubre, y el lugar el Panteón de Quijano, llamada también Plaza de Santa Teresa, un espacio ajardinado en el corazón de Alicante donde celebraremos nuestro reencuentro anual de autores, editoriales y distribuidoras relacionadas con el movimiento libertario.

Ver la entrada original 116 palabras más

Pfizer Tests COVID-19 Vaccine on Kids: Frauds, lawsuits, and convictions of their ‘crimes against Humanity’.. should we trust them?

info taken from Global Research, with thanks

See also 30/06/2021

FDA Lets Pfizer Test Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine on U.S. Children – Centre for Research on Globalization

see also.. Pfizer Bribed Nigerian Officials in Fatal Drug Trial that killed children,

On Oct. 16, Pfizer’s CEO indicated the company would likely file for FDA Emergency Use Authorization for its experimental BNT162b2 vaccine in late November. That statement came three days after Pfizer announced that it had received FDA permission to administer the unproven vaccine to children as young as 12, becoming the first company in the U.S. to include young participants in Phase 3 trials.

Pfizer pays Nigeria drug-trial victims - Al Jazeera English

see also> US-based Pfizer pays first four of possible 546 families for deaths and disabilities caused by meningitis test vaccine.

Are these parents (perhaps left unemployed by coronavirus restrictions) tempted by the financial incentives offered to clinical trial participants, reportedly anywhere from $1200 to $2000?

FDA Lets Pfizer Test Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine on U.S. Children – Global Research – Centre for Research on Globalization

HISTORY: The failed Trovan Drug Trial by Pfizer in Kano ...
see also> Pfizer Case Over Test That Killed 11 Kids

Otherwise, their motivation for wanting to throw their children into the experimental fray is unclear; as the director of the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital stated, “most of the time, what a coronavirus causes is a cold” that does not even make children “sick enough to where a parent says they need to go to a doctor.”

Continuar leyendo «Pfizer Tests COVID-19 Vaccine on Kids: Frauds, lawsuits, and convictions of their ‘crimes against Humanity’.. should we trust them?»

CNT solidarity against imminent eviction of CSO May Day occupied center!

CSO May Day on Twitter here: https://twitter.com/primerdemaigll1 )

The MAY DAY self-run occupied social center is a huge council owned block in the old Raval area of central Barcelona. An ex adult school, it was closed for repairs, abandoned and occupied in 2016 as a Self Managed Student Hostel (the REA). Despite strong resistance it was violently evicted on the second attempt in December 2017, and abandoned again and bricked up, (see Autonomous Students Residences (REA).. Ongoing Eviction in Barcelona/) Next it was occupied during a demonstration on May 1st 2018 as a self-run Social Center.. .. and named CSO MayDay. It continues with all kinds of activities and has become a symbol of resistance to gentrification, mass evictions, vulture funds, etc..


Libertarian solidarity against the eviction of the CSO May Day!
by CNT-AIT Catalunya

by CNT-AIT Catalunya .. translation TheFree

Once again we find that another space freed from the clutches of capitalist speculation, owned by those who claim to be representatives of ordinary citizens and who govern us through repression and lies, is threatened with eviction by of this City Council of the so-called “Commons” (totally fake), led by Ada Colau, the activist recycled into the system…..

Thats how things stand, to the point that Colau’s party shamefully abstained to allow the vote on the evictions of municipally owned buildings, recently raised by the PP .

In this way, they have opened the way to the offensive of the most reactionary sectors and defenders of the sacrosanct private property such as the PP or JuntsxCat itself.

The «Commons» of Ada try to destroy all initiatives that they cannot control through their clientelist political networks. Anything that questions, in one way or another, the «Barcelona Brand», of which these hypocritical «friendly face» managers of our daily misery are defenders, they try to destroy through the violence of their police hitmen.

This unbridled repression not only acts against dissident groups, but extends to all those people and families without resources who are forced to squat to survive on the margins of the system.


All this is related to the low wages and the high cost of living that, together with real estate speculation, ends up throwing people out of their homes to turn those neighborhoods into commercial shopfronts for tourism.

El Raval, where the CSO May Day companions are located, is a clear example of this. In this Social Center, as in others in the city where self-management is practiced, different solidarity activities have been carried out with the struggle of social and anarchist prisoners, the dissemination of anti-specism, against evictions and gentrification, against police violence, anti-fascism, international solidarity, insumission …

Actions which are oriented to the self-organization of struggles and disseminating and debating ideas to build a culture at the service of social struggles.

Not so to the bourgeois and alienating crap represented by “cultural” elitism such as the MACBA (municipal art exhibition center) or other City Council subsidized civic centers, with which they seek to instill in people the “One Single Belief» in civil obedience, subjecting us to their unjust laws.

The CNT-AIT of Catalonia sees these occupied spaces as a way of building a counterculture that can challenge the dominant discourse and weave libertarian and anti-capitalist networks, challenging private property and the speculative system that generates the misery of broad layers of the population.

That’s why we stand in solidarity and we will be on the streets, when necessary, to defend these revolutionary cracks in a world of conformity dominated by repression and fear.

We call on you to participate actively in the mobilizations that the CSO May Day organise in defense of the social center.

(note: you can check out CSO May Day on Twitter here: https://twitter.com/primerdemaigll1 )

The day they evict at 7:30 p.m. on the Rambla del Raval (where the Cat is).

Down with capitalism and its lackeys of the City Hall!

While there is speculation there will be rebellion!

CNT-AIT Catalunya

(see Autonomous Students Residences (REA).. Ongoing Eviction in Barcelona/)

check out CSO May Day on Twitter here: https://twitter.com/primerdemaigll1 )

çoriginal en castellano ABAJO

¡Solidaridad libertaria ante el desalojo del CSO May Day!

CNT-AIT Catalunya
Correu-e: catalunya@hotmail.com (no verificat!)30 des 2019 Una vez más nos encontramos que otro espacio liberado de las garras de la especulación capitalista, para más inri en manos de aquellos que dicen ser representantes del ciudadano de a pie y que nos gobiernan mediante la represión y la mentira, está amenazado de desalojo por parte de este Ayuntamiento de los farsantes “comunes” (que de eso no tienen nada) de la activista reciclada en botones del sistema Ada Colau.

Esto es así, hasta el punto que hemos podido conocer su abstención vergonzante, pero por otra parte lógica dado su papel de traidores a sus ya remotos orígenes, ante la votación sobre los desalojos de edificios de titularidad municipal, planteada recientemente por el PP.

De esta manera, participan y le tienden la alfombra a la ofensiva de los sectores más reaccionarios y defensores de la sacrosanta propiedad privada como el mismo PP o JuntsxCat.

Los “comunes” de la Ada se ensañan e intentan destruir toda aquella iniciativa que no puedan controlar mediante sus redes políticas clientelares. Todo aquello que cuestione, de una u otra forma, la “Marca Barcelona” de la que son defensores a ultranza estos hipócritas gestores de “rostro amable” de nuestra miseria cotidiana, lo intentan destruir mediante la violencia de sus sicarios policiales.

Esta represión desenfrenada no solo actúa contra aquellos colectivos disidentes, sino que se extiende a todas aquellas personas y familias sin recursos que se ven obligadas a okupar o a sobrevivir en los márgenes del sistema.

Todo esto se relaciona con los bajos salarios y la carestía de la vida que junto a la especulación inmobiliaria acaba por echar a la gente de sus casas para convertir esos barrios en aparadores comerciales para el turismo.

El Raval, donde se encuentran lxs compañerxs del CSO May Day, es un claro ejemplo de ello. En este centro social, como en otros de la ciudad donde se práctica la autogestión, se vienen realizando diferentes actividades solidarias con la lucha de los presos sociales y anarquistas, de difusión del antiespecismo, contra los deshaucios y la gentrificación , contra la violencia policial, antifascismo, solidaridad internacional, insumisión…

Actos orientados a la autoorganización de las luchas y a difundir y debatir ideas para construir una cultura al servicio de las luchas sociales.

No así a la mierda burguesa y alienante que representan adefesios elitistas “culturales” como el MACBA u otros centros cívicos, que sí subvenciona el Ayuntamiento, para inculcar a la gente el “pensamiento único” del civismo, sometiéndonos a sus injustas leyes.

La CNT-AIT de Catalunya ve imprescindibles estos espacios como forma de ir construyendo una contracultura que pueda desafiar el discurso dominante e ir tejiendo redes libertarias y anticapitalistas desafiando, así mismo, la propiedad privada y el sistema especulativo que genera la miseria de amplias capas de la población.

Y eso es por lo que nos solidarizamos y estaremos en las calles, cuando sea necesario, para defender estas grietas revolucionarias en un mundo de conformismo dominado por la represión y el miedo.


Y eso es por lo que nos solidarizamos y estaremos en las calles, cuando sea necesario, para defender estas grietas revolucionarias en un mundo de conformismo dominado por la represión y el miedo.

Hacemos un llamamiento a participar de forma activa en las movilizaciones que el CSO May Day convoque en defensa del centro social.

El día que desalojen a las 19:30 horas en la Rambla del Raval (donde está el Gato).

¡Abajo el capitalismo y sus lacayos del Ayuntamiento!

¡Mientras exista especulación habrá rebelión!

CNT-AIT Catalunya

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WikiLeaks Bombshell: Syria Chemical Attack that risked World War FAKED by USA

Once more the heroes at Wikileaks expose the US war machine for a disgraceful False Flag Debacle in a way that short circuits the power of the US media to assert that Black is White’. #FreeAssange #FreeChelseaManning

New WikiLeaks Bombshell: 20 Inspectors Dissent From Syria Chemical Attack Narrative

by Tyler Durden Sat, 12/14/2019 – 22:00 186 SHARES from ZEROHEDGE

Late Saturday WikiLeaks released more documents which contradict the US narrative on Assad’s use of chemical weapons, specifically related to the April 7, 2018 Douma incident, which resulted in a major US and allied tomahawk missile and air strike campaign on dozens of targets in Damascus.

The leaked documents, including internal emails of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) — which investigated the Douma site — reveal mass dissent within the UN-authorized chemical weapons watchdog organization’s ranks over conclusions previously reached by the international body which pointed to Syrian government culpability.

It’s part of a growing avalanche of dissent memos and documents casting the West’s push for war in Syria in doubt (which had resulted in two major US and allied attacks on Syria).

US cruise missile is launched in retaliation. It was only after the blitz that a team of OPCW inspectors – non-political scientists – were able to visit Douma to investigate the attack, later detailing their conclusions in a report

This newly released batch, WikiLeaks reports, includes a memo stating 20 inspectors feel that the officially released version of the OPCW’s report on Douma “did not reflect the views of the team members that deployed to [Syria]”. This comes amid widespread allegations US officials brought immense pressure to bear on the organization. 

see also: Boy in ‘white helmets’ Video is FINE. Chemical Attack was a FAKE excuse to bomb Syria.

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Talking Bodies – Cuerpos parlantes: Feminist and Urban Research space : Espacio feminista y de investigación urbana

shared with thanks from> Cuerpos Parlantes/Talking Bodies more illustrations from Facebook Cuerpos Parlantes – translations.. The Free

Caracol urbano propone Cuerpos parlantes como un espacio para el encuentro, la puesta en común y el aprendizaje colectivo en torno a los feminismos y aquellas formas de conocimiento que incrementen nuestro potencial de organización y de vida. También para la celebración.

Urban Caracol proposes Talking bodies as a space for meeting, sharing and collective learning around feminisms and those forms of knowledge that increase our potential for organization and life. Also for the celebration.

El Laboratorio de Interconectividades propone germinar ecosistemas de experimentación micropolítica que cuestionen, dialoguen y subviertan las maneras en que nos relacionamos y organizamos: cómo nos comunicamos, por qué hacemos redes, de qué formas habitamos las tecnologías y cómo construimos sentidos, conocimientos y afectos. …………………………The Interconnectivity Laboratory proposes to germinate micropolitical experimentation ecosystems that question, dialogue and subvert the ways in which we interact and organize: how we communicate, why we network, how we inhabit technologies and how we build senses, knowledge and affections…..http://laboratoriodeinterconectividades.tk

Porque vivimos en un país y en una ciudad donde los cuerpos están segregados, incomunicados y despolitizados. La misoginia y el racismo marcan los cuerpos como mecanismos de segregación para la producción de clases sociales jerarquizadas.

Because we live in a country and in a city where bodies are segregated, incommunicado and depoliticized. Misogyny and racism mark bodies as segregation mechanisms for the production of hierarchical social classes.

Continuar leyendo «Talking Bodies – Cuerpos parlantes: Feminist and Urban Research space : Espacio feminista y de investigación urbana»

It’s a Vast, Invisible Climate Menace. We Made It Visible.

shared with thanks… 242+ comments at original HERE> https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/12/12/climate/texas-methane-super-emitters.html?searchResultPosition=6#commentsContainer

see also> Seeing is Believing, Earthworks: Community Empowerment against fracking pollution and climate change. HERE> .https://wp.me/pIJl9-e9f

By Jonah M. Kessel and Hiroko Tabuchi Dec. 12, 2019

Immense amounts of methane are escaping from oil and gas sites nationwide, worsening global warming, even as the Trump administration weakens restrictions on offenders.

Jonah M. Kessel, a New York Times visual journalist, and Hiroko Tabuchi, a Times climate reporter, went to West Texas oilfields with a camera that can photograph methane.

To the naked eye, there is nothing out of the ordinary at the DCP Pegasus gas processing plant in West Texas, one of the thousands of installations in the vast Permian Basin that have transformed America into the largest oil and gas producer in the world.

There is a huge global spike in methane, one of the most potent greenhouse gases driving climate change over the last decade, according Harvard University Studies. The U.S. is the biggest culprit, mostly from oil and gas fracking wells, there are over a million of them, with half already abandoned. Obama introduced laws so that the industry would -voluntarily- at least measure the leaks. But even that is being repealed by the Trump administration, a criminal and ecocidal policy in the light of years of concrete scientific proof that the methane emissions are tipping us towards imminent uncontrollable climate chaos.. Controlling methane emissions would be a quick way to pause climate change, while CO2 remains in the atmosphere for many decades.

But a highly specialized camera sees what the human eye cannot: a major release of methane, the main component of natural gas and a potent greenhouse gas that is helping to warm the planet at an alarming rate.

Two New York Times journalists detected this from a tiny plane, crammed with scientific equipment, circling above the oil and gas sites that dot the Permian, an oil field bigger than Kansas. In just a few hours, the plane’s instruments identified six sites with unusually high methane emissions.

DCP Pegasus Gas Processing Plant​Nov. 5, 2019Using a powerful infrared camera, The Times identified large-scale releases. Here, methane escapes from a device meant to be burning it off.

Methane is loosely regulated, difficult to detect and rising sharply. The Times’s aerial and on-the-ground research, along with an examination of lobbying activities by the companies that own the sites, shows how the energy industry is seeking and winning looser federal regulations on methane, a major contributor to global warming.

Operators of the sites identified by The Times are among the very companies that have lobbied the Trump administration, either directly or through trade organizations, to weaken regulations on methane, a review of regulatory filings, meeting minutes and attendance logs shows. These local companies, along with oil-industry lobby groups that represent the world’s largest energy companies, are fighting rules that would force them to more aggressively fix emissions like these.

Next year, the administration could move forward with a plan that would effectively eliminate requirements that oil companies install technology to detect and fix methane leaks from oil and gas facilities. By the E.P.A.’s own calculations, the rollback would increase methane emissions by 370,000 tons through 2025, enough to power more than a million homes for a year.

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Seeing is Believing Earthworks: Community Empowerment against fracking pollution and climate change.

Creative Commons reuse allowed) shared with thanks

see also: It’s a Vast, Invisible Climate Menace. We Made It Visible.. HERE:https://wp.me/pIJl9-e8w

Texas & New Mexico communities & experts urge COP25 to defuse Permian’s carbon bomb

Impacted residents travel to Madrid to highlight that planned infrastructure to process & export Permian oil & gas would guarantee catastrophic climate change

Optical gas imaging picture of pollution above regular still image.
[Top] Optical gas imaging by Earthworks reveals normally invisible air pollution from an unlit flare. [Bottom] A regular still image taken at the same time and place shows what you see with the naked eye.

Madrid, Dec 4 — Today at an official COP25 side event Texas and New Mexico residents — impacted by the extraction of Permian Basin oil & gas, and by planned infrastructure to transport, process and export it — informed delegates and other attendees that catastrophic climate change is inevitable unless the Permian infrastructure expansion is stopped.

“The Permian Basin is an oil and gas carbon bomb that’s exploding, and it’s happening right now. If we can’t defuse it, the world cannot avoid catastrophic

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climate change. Major oil companies are trying to lock in decades more oil and gas demand by building infrastructure from the Permian to the Texas Gulf Coast to transport, process and export the world’s largest current oil & gas play,” said Earthworks’ Energy Campaigner Ethan Buckner.

Between 2018 and 2050, production of new U.S. oil and gas reserves could unlock 120 billion metric tons of new carbon pollution. Meanwhile the U.S. — thanks to Permian production — just marked its first month as a net exporter since records have been kept. If production and expansion are not curtailed, U.S. oil and gas expansion will impede the rest of the world’s ability to manage a climate-safe, equitable phase out of oil and gas production.

Although communities across the region are bearing the brunt of impacts from oil, gas and petrochemical development, those most at risk from the Permian expansion are those already the most impacted by social and environmental injustice. And on Texas’ Gulf Coast — where the oil & gas is processed and exported — they’re suffering twice: from the operations’ toxic pollution, and from intensified climate change.

“I live less than two miles from the Ship Channel in the East End of Houston, TX. My dad was a United Steelworker who died of cancer in 2016, and I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease that same year. So I’m well aware that workers and fenceline communities are paying with their health the price of daily exposure to toxic pollution from oil and gas infrastructure,” said Ana

Image result for Ana Parras, Co-Executive Director Texas Environmental Justice Advocacy Services.

No One Should Have to Breathe These Chemicals – AnaParras of Texas Environmental Justice Advocacy Services (@tejasbarrios). HOUSTON — While families across the country celebrated Thanksgiving with their loved ones, more than 50,000 people in Port Neches, Tex., were forced to evacuate from their homes and spend the holiday in makeshift shelters

Continuar leyendo «Seeing is Believing Earthworks: Community Empowerment against fracking pollution and climate change.»

Violence Is Sometimes the Answer against Legalised State Atrocities

Violence Is Sometimes the Answer

“I want to make it clear, however, although I am deeply opposed to war, I am not advocating appeasement. It is often necessary to take a strong stand to counter unjust aggression. For instance, it is plain to all of us that the Second World War was entirely justified. It “saved civilization” from the tyranny of Nazi Germany, as Winston Churchill so aptly put it.

Image result for extreme cruel police violence

But we can only judge whether or not a conflict was vindicated on moral grounds with hindsight. For example, we can now see during the Cold War, the principle of nuclear deterrence had a certain value. Nevertheless, it is very difficult to assess such matters with any degree of accuracy. War is violence and violence is unpredictable. Therefore, it is better to avoid it if possible, and never to presume we know beforehand whether the outcome of a particular war will be beneficial or not.”

~ Tenzin Gyatso 14th Dalai Lama The Reality of War

Related image

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Masculinity is Fine and Dandy.. but under Patriarchy can be TOXIC and Hateful

It’s not about ‘toxic masculinity’ or ‘healthy masculinity,’ it’s about masculinity under patriarchy

Shared with thanks from Feminist Current . illustrations and twits added

Positive traits and behaviour are accessible to and should be embraced by everyone, whether male or female. “Healthy masculinity” is really just healthy humanity.

Increased attention on men’s violence against women has focused attention on not only rape and sexual harassment but also on the cultural support system for such behavior. While only a small fraction of men violate the law, lots of men engage in less blatant forms of aggressive and coercive behavior that injure and undermine women, and even more men are bystanders who fail to challenge other men’s abuse.

This conversation often revolves around a critique of “toxic masculinity” and the search for a “healthy masculinity,” which does bring needed attention to these forms of abuse. But we should be wary of the way those phrases can limit our understanding and reinforce patriarchy.

I propose we replace “toxic masculinity” with “masculinity in patriarchy,” to focus attention on the system out of which problems arise.

An environmental analogy helps: Too often we only think about toxic chemicals when we have to clean up spills and leaks, responses that obviously are necessary. But just as important is challenging an industrial worldview that embraces the use of those toxic substances, along with critiquing the economic system that makes toxic contamination inevitable. The same goes for the patriarchal worldview.

Some may think patriarchy is an out-of-date term, but it’s an accurate description of societies based on institutionalized male dominance — which is virtually all the world, including the United States.

Patriarchal societies change over time and vary depending on culture, but when we recognize “it’s still a man’s world,” we simply are acknowledging that patriarchy remains entrenched.

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