1st of 800 post-virus evictions blocked in ​​Barcelona Met.. Owned by US Cerberus Vulture Fund.

The first post-confinement eviction in the metropolitan area of ​​Barcelona is stopped

by Marta Pérez Santos MPerezSantos Andreu Tarrés from La Directa with thanks. Translation TheFreeOnline.

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Two hundred people manage to stop the first eviction by court order, which was scheduled for Thursday, June 18 in L’Hospitalet de Llobregat. PAH denounces government measures to mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 crisis are insufficient. (Note… PAH is a state wide network of community groups which aids morttgage and rent victims)

see also: The Squatted Garden and the Vilest Vulture Fund on Earth

The street where Liliana and her two children, aged 7 and 13, live, was already full of people long before one in the afternoon, when the eviction of this family was called, this Thursday, June 18. Finally, they managed to gather more than 200 people, convened by the PAH Barcelona, ​​who managed to paralyze the eviction that was intended to take place.

This is the first eviction that has been stopped since the state of alarm for the coronavirus pandemic in the metropolitan area of ​​Barcelona was declared. The PAH denounces that the government’s measures to alleviate the effects of the COVID-19 crisis are insufficient and alludes to the obvious evidence of the eviction of Liliana and her family.

Liliana paid the rent on time every month to a person who claimed to own the apartment, but when a month ago they cut off her water, she learned that this person was not actually the owner of the apartment and that, for both were occupying the flat for legal purposes.

see also .. Barcelona: 15 day blockade stops Blackstone eviction of 10 Families

The Cerberus vulture fund, which is the real owner of the property, began the process of evicting the apartment where this mother and her two children live.

Liliana and PAH Barcelona denounce that the attention given during the pandemic to the tenant has been disastrous and insufficient and that, instead of strengthening the teams, both in Social Services and in Housing, offices have been closed to give telephone attention in many cases negligent, thus leaving tenants to their fate in a complicated context.

Neighbours in the Raval barrio in Barcelona held a successful 15 day long resistance campaign last year against plans by vulture fund Blackstone to evict people by surprise in Carrer Hospital.SEE.. Sindicat de llogaters ..https://twitter.com/ravalsindicat?lang=en
.ALSO: El Raval, en peu de guerra contra l’especulació de Blackstone

Leer En Castellano   AQUÍ      El Huerto Okupado contra el Buitre más Malvado del Mundo

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original in Catalan

S’atura el primer desnonament judicial postconfinament a l’àrea metropolitana de Barcelona

https://www.youtube.com/embed/EjuqYwhXdD4?feature=oembed Marta Pérez Santos MPerezSantos Andreu Tarrés andreu_tarres

PUBLICAT: Juny 18, 2020

Dues-centes persones aconsegueixen aturar el primer desnonament amb ordre judicial, que estava previst aquest dijous 18 de juny a l’Hospitalet de Llobregat. La PAH denuncia que les mesures del govern per pal·liar els efectes de la crisi de la COVID-19 són insuficients

El carrer on viuen Liliana i els seus dos fills, de 7 i 13 anys, ja estava replet de gent molt abans de la una de la tarda, hora a la qual estava convocat el desnonament d’aquesta família, aquest dijous 18 de juny. Finalment s’han aconseguit reunir més de 200 persones, convocades per la PAH Barcelona, que han aconseguit paralitzar el desnonament que es pretenia dur a terme.

Aquest és el primer desnonament que s’ha aconseguit aturar des que es va decretar l’estat d’alarma per la pandèmia del coronavirus a l’àrea metropolitana de Barcelona. La PAH denuncia que les mesures del govern per pal·liar els efectes de la crisi de la COVID-19 són insuficients i al·ludeix a la prova evident del desnonament de Liliana i la seva família.

Liliana pagava el lloguer puntualment cada mes a una persona que deia ser propietària del pis, però, quan fa un mes li van tallar l’aigua, es va assabentar que en realitat aquesta persona no era la propietària de l’habitatge i que, per tant, estava okupant el pis a efectes legals. El fons Cerberus, que és el veritable propietari de l’immoble, va iniciar els tràmits per desallotjar el pis on habiten aquesta mare i els seus dos fills.

Liliana i la PAH Barcelona denuncien que l’atenció que s’ha donat durant la pandèmia a l’inquilinat ha estat nefasta i insuficient i que, en lloc de reforçar els equips, tant en Serveis Socials com en Habitatge, s’han tancat oficines per donar una atenció telefònica en molts casos negligent, deixant així les inquilines a la seva sort en un context complicat.desnonamenthabitatgel’Hospitalet de LlobregatLilianaPAH

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